An Overview

We assess, treat and help prevent all foot conditions for adults and children. Some common conditions that we can help with are: 

Routine Footcare, (corn, callous, nail problems)

Nail Surgery

Biomechanics/Orthotic  manufacture

Gait Analysis

Diabetic Footcare

Cryotherapy/Verucca Treatment


What we do is not limited to the above, if you have a query or specific condition, please contact us and we will be happy chat.


An overview of what we do...


We assess, treat and help prevent all foot conditions for adults and children. Some common conditions that we can help with are: 

  • Routine Footcare, (corn, callous, nail problems)

  • Nail Surgery

  • Biomechanics/Orthotic  manufacture

  • Gait Analysis

  • Diabetic Footcare

  • Cryotherapy/Verucca Treatment

  • Rhematology

What we do is not limited to the above, if you have a query or specific condition, please contact us and we will be happy chat.

Podiatry / Chiropody is general care from looking into gait (how you walk), foot function and correcting it as far as possible, to care of the feet from nail cutting to callous/corn removal.  Callous is just hard skin which develops due to over-load (body weight) and friction (movement) on the skin, so it is a normal protective function.  Unfortunately, the skin can create so much hard skin that the central area, where the pressure is so great a corn is produced. This lump of the skin pushes into the underlying tissues and causes great discomfort and pain.  It is not a problem cutting corns away, but the reason behind their development is a change in “normal foot function”. This is where simple insoles to custom made Orthoses may be needed.

Biomechanics and Gait Analysis

A biomechanical examination is used to assess foot and lower limb function. Foot pain can be caused by poor foot posture or other structural problems. Common problems include heel pain, pain in the ball of the foot (metatarsalgia) and flat feet (the arches of the feet have reduced or flattened the foot out, thus changing the position of all the bones). If the foot is hypermobile or out of alignment it can also result in pain or injury in the foot/knee/hip/lower back.

At Headcorn Podiatry we have access to the latest in computerised gait scanning equipment, which assesses not only position and movement but also forces occurring within injured tissues. This enables us to not merely tell you, but show you where the problems lie. However, our most valuable diagnostic tool is the expertise of our clinical team. Our podiatrists have practised in the NHS, where they have had experience in treating advanced, post-surgical, pediatric and diabetic Biomechanical Conditions.

Your Podiatrist may prescribe a range of treatments following your biomechanical assessment including stretches, exercise plans, onward referral to surgical or other services and orthoses.


Orthoses are devices which are placed in shoes to compensate for or correct an injury or structural problem. They come in many different sorts, from soft, cushioned devices designed to promote comfort, to rigid functional devices to change the position or function of the feet. We carry a range of over the counter insoles as well as having facilities to make custom built devices for more complex problems.

Our podiatry team is made up of four therapists who have all previously worked within the NHS and are all registered with the Health Professions Council.  This means we are continually updating our professional knowledge with the latest research and techniques. To find out more, click here to visit our practitioner’s page.

We are available for booked appointments from Monday to Friday.

For more information on appointment types and pricing, click here:

Alternatively, click below to contact us and make an appointment.